🔬 Filters#

Filters are used by the handlers to determine if they should handle an update or not.

The library provides some built-in filters that you can use. The filters are located in the pywa.filters module.

Here is an example of how to use them:

from pywa import WhatsApp
from pywa.types import Message, CallbackButton, Button
from pywa import filters as fil

wa = WhatsApp(...)

@wa.on_message(fil.startswith('Hello', 'Hi', ignore_case=True))
def handle_hello(wa: WhatsApp, msg: Message):
    msg.reply(f'Hello {msg.from_user.name}!', buttons=[Button('Click me!', 'click')])

def handle_click(wa: WhatsApp, clb: CallbackButton):
    clb.reply('You clicked me!')

Combining Filters#

As default, all filters are combined with & (and) operator. So if you provide multiple filters, all of them must return True for the handler to handle the update.

If you need to combine (&, |) or negate (not) filters, you can use the all_(), any_() and not_() functions.

Here is some examples:

from pywa import filters as fil  # short name for convenience

# message text must start with "Hello" and (end with "World" or have a length between 1 and 10)
fil.all_(fil.startswith("Hello"), fil.any_(fil.endswith("World"), fil.text.length((1, 10))))

# message must be a photo or a (video of type "video/mp4" and have a caption)
fil.any_(fil.image, fil.all_(fil.video.mimetypes("video/mp4"), fil.video.has_caption))

# message must not contain "bad word"
fil.not_(fil.contains("bad word"))

Custom Filters#

You can create your own filters by providing a function that takes the client and the update and returns a boolean. If the function returns True, the handler will handle the update, otherwise it will be ignored.

from pywa import WhatsApp
from pywa.types import Message

def without_xyz_filter(_: WhatsApp, msg: Message) -> bool:
    return msg.text and 'xyz' not in msg.text

wa = WhatsApp(...)

def messages_without_xyz(wa: WhatsApp, msg: Message):
    msg.reply('You said something without xyz!')

# Or with lambda:
@wa.on_message(lambda _, msg: msg.text and 'xyz' not in msg.text)
def messages_without_xyz(wa: WhatsApp, msg: Message):
    msg.reply('You said something without xyz!')

Built-in Filters#